David Largent

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In 1986 at the age of 21 I had problems with my heart, it would start racing for no reason sometimes over 200 beats per minute. I went in to the hospital they found that I also had mitral valve prolapse, but did not know what was causing it. I had a lot of fear at that time not knowing what would happen to me. This went on for more than a year. One day after that I could not sleep for three days due to fear I went to see my mother. She had just become a Christian. She prayed for me and immediately peace came and I fell asleep within a minute. I was shocked that God answered prayer. Later I went to Lakewood Church in Houston when John Osteen was pastor and accepted Jesus as my personal savior. Jesus also healed my heart and delivered me from fear. I learned everything to take my Novice test in 1989 at Lakewood Church. The church had a ham shack and taught classes on amateur radio.

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Pease with God through Jesus

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